viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

In English: Little Red Riding Hood Revisited

The twigs crackle under my steps. It is cold and it rains; I tighten the hood of my red gore-tex jacket. As I hear a noise behind me, I turn over and get to see a roe deer that is moving away. There are no wolves left. I come into the house and find her laying in her bed:
- Grandma, what a big mouth you have!
- Oh dear, how should I know you had told your mum that you would sleep here!

2 comentarios:

  1. Kaixo Sara, azkenean zure blogera sartu naiz, eta gustatzen zait. Jarraituko zaitut eta espero zerbait Euskaraz idatziko duzu. muxu eta animo


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